From boosting student motivation and science test scores to managing teacher vacancies and supporting long-term subs, you can count on Penda Learning to help you level up science instruction!
Our gamified digital science curriculum for grades 3–high school provides interactive activities and assessments hand crafted to NGSS and state standards that leverage the principles of gaming and learning science to engage students and deepen learning. The simple, intuitive platform and automated features ensure all students have access to rigorous, high-quality science instruction.
Penda has created activities and assessments for high quality instruction for grades 3- high school.
Penda Learning's instructional content has been hand-crafted for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). With activities and assessments available for every performance expectation from grades 3 through high school, Penda ensures comprehensive coverage of NGSS performance expectations. Each activity is phenomena-based and embraces a three-dimensional learning approach, integrating Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs), and Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs). Activities are thoughtfully designed using NGSS evidence statements to provide meaningful and measurable learning experiences. Penda offers a full suite of formative and summative assessments, as well as customizable reports that provide insight at all levels for usage, mastery and more.
Penda has carefully crafted three differentiated scaffolded activities for every Florida SASS standard from grades 3- high school biology. Teachers have access to over 100 simulations to use in-class to engage and explore topics as part of the 5E instructional model to support inquiry.
Penda Learning's instructional content has been hand-crafted for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). With activities and assessments available for every performance expectation from grades 3 through high school, Penda ensures comprehensive coverage of NGSS performance expectations. Each activity is phenomena-based and embraces a three-dimensional learning approach, integrating Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs), and Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs). Activities are thoughtfully designed using NGSS evidence statements to provide meaningful and measurable learning experiences. Penda offers a full suite of formative and summative assessments, as well as customizable reports that provide insight at all levels for usage, mastery and more.
Penda Learning has been hand-crafted for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards for grades 3 through Biology. Each activity and assessment is meticulously crafted to address the TEKS, along with the Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) and the Recurring Themes and Concepts (RTCs) associated with each question. Every activity is phenomena-based and incorporates a three-dimensional learning approach, starting with a clear "I can" statement to guide students' learning objectives. Penda provides hundreds of engaging activities that feature a variety of question formats, including fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice, multiple-select, and short-answer, helping students build confidence and familiarity with diverse question styles. A full suite of formative and summative assessments have also been developed, including STAAR test prep assessments for each grade band tested, and finally a suite of customizable reports from district to classroom details on usage, mastery, gradebook and more.
Fifth grade teacher and instructional coach Amanda Borum and elementary science specialist Christopher Linton shared how they’re using Penda to fill science learning gaps, target standards, increase achievement, and foster their students' love for science.