Penda Assessment Standards Educator

Penda's standards-aligned assessments offer important instructional insight every step of the way. These assessments yield comprehensive data that equip educators with the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding their instructional strategies, fostering an enriched learning environment for students.

Assess Progress Each Step of the Way

Penda offers a range of assessments, including mini assessments, grade level or course assessments, high stakes assessments, and content sets (NGSS only).  They can be used to diagnose students' level of readiness and misconceptions (diagnostic), to inform instruction (formative), and to measure mastery (summative)

Penda Assessment Data

Penda Assessment Activities

Keep Your Finger on the Pulse of Student Learning

Our robust report system allows educators to granularly monitor student progress (RTI and MTSS) and customize instruction

A Roadmap to Using Penda’s High-Quality Assessments

Take a look at this roadmap for how to use Penda Science assessments throughout the year to improve student outcomes

Penda Assessment Data
Penda Assessment Instruction

Meaningful Data to Positively Impact Student Outcomes

Standards-based line-item analysis reports are available for every Penda assessment activity. Teachers and administrators can analyze student progress by standard. Data is aggregated among all students who took the assessment and can be filtered by a specific class period. Clicking on any individual student score reveals the question, possible answer options, and the student’s response. This detailed analysis is invaluable in determining whether specific concepts need to be retaught to the whole class or whether students need small group or individualized instruction in targeted areas.

Streamlined Progress Monitoring and Intervention

Penda doesn’t just make science learning easier; it streamlines progress monitoring and intervention as well. Penda auto-grades students’ assignments and feeds the scores into Canvas and Schoology gradebooks using Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) 1.3 Advantage protocols. Penda then provides data- rich reports that teachers can use to guide instruction, interventions and enrichment.

Penda Assessment Streamlined Progress

Penda Assessment Prepare Students

Prepare Students for Success on High Stakes Tests

Penda helps students practice for high-stakes tests.  Penda’s format can eliminate the anxiety that comes from testing, as well as build familiarity with question types and styles.  The built in rewards and friendly competition with classmates encourage students to practice in and out of school hours to develop skill development, mastery and confidence.  The assessment suite includes course assessments, as well as high-stakes prep assessments.

Unleash the Power of Data with Penda’s Easy to Use Report Builder 

Report Builder empowers teachers and administrators to quickly access data to support student learning and provides key insights in just a few clicks.

Easy to Customize Reports:

Penda's reporting suite offers three ready-made reports including usage, progress, and line-item analysis reports or customize your personalized reports with Report Builder. Easily save or download reports for presentations or additional analysis. Teachers can drill to a granular level to see student answers per question including how long they’ve spent on each activity.

Collaboration & Sharing Made Simple:

District administrators, school administrators, and teachers can create custom reports using Penda’s Report Builder and share them with other staff members within their organization. Shared reports are available in “read-only” mode, ensuring that when a user opens a shared report, they only see data relevant to their school and role.

Penda Assessment Report Builder

Penda Gal

Take a Closer Look at Penda Science