At Penda Learning, we are dedicated to a successful customer experience. Our goal is to create a strong partnership that impacts student learning and their love of science.
Your designated partner for success throughout your Penda Learning journey
Implementation and PD planning, goal setting, usage tracking, data analytics, best practice sharing, and ongoing support
Strategic touch points throughout the school year to fully support your district goals and initiatives
Virtual Training
60 minute live courses for all stakeholders within your organization
Onsite Training
in person training that is customized to your school or district’s implementation needs
On Demand Training
24/7 access asynchronous modules and courses
World class technical support to address questions and provide solutions
Email and phone support with quick response times for students, teachers, parents, and administrators
24/7 Knowledge Base for how to documentation and out of this world resources
Contact us at or log into the site for access to our 24/7 Customer Support Center accessible on the Penda product site.
We are seeking highly qualified Independent Consultants to help deliver virtual training to our customers. Interested candidates, please email a cover letter and resume to: