Level Up Science Learning for All Students

Motivate and empower students to excel and fall in love with science using Penda Learning’s gamified science activities for grades 3 through biology — hand crafted for NGSS and state standards.

Make Science a Game —
                    At Home & In Class

Make Science a Game — In School and at Home

Penda’s 900+ standards-aligned, game-based science activities and PhET interactive simulations bring inquiry, fun and rigor to learning. Because Penda is fully online, instruction is uninterrupted by hybrid or distance learning.
Make Science a Game —
                    At Home & In Class

Ensure Excellent Science Instruction — Even with Vacancies and Subs

Our unique Pacing Assistance Service (PAS) customizes Penda’s online game-based learning activities to your specific scope and sequence — then auto-assigns them to students to lighten teachers’ workload.
Monitor Progress & Target
                    Interventions with Ease

Support Student Growth with Insightful, Easy-to-Use Data

Penda’s automated reports provide the data you need to monitor progress, differentiate instruction, and target interventions within an RTI or MTSS framework, even when students are learning from home.

Penda Learning Gets Results

Penda Gal
Penda Testimonial

As we reviewed options for online science curriculum, Penda really stood out. It checks all the boxes in terms of meeting content alignment, data privacy, and interoperability standards, and it saves teachers time with auto assignments based on our curriculum scope and sequence. We ultimately chose Penda because the activities and simulations not only help students master science content, but also spark real and genuine interest and inspiration in science that could last a lifetime.

Shaylia McRae
Chief of Transformation, Hillsborough County Public Schools (FL)

What Makes Penda Learning So Effective?

Gamified Learning & Assessments
Gamified Learning
                  & Assessments
Gamified Learning & Assessments
Use at Home or
                  at School
Use at Home or
                  at School
Use at Home or at School
Hand Crafted to Standards
Hand Crafted to Standards
Hand Crafted to Standards
Aligned to Scope
                  & Sequence
Aligned to Scope
                  & Sequence
Aligned to Scope & Sequence
Insightful Analytics
Fully Automated
asy Setup
                    & Training
asy Setup
                    & Training
asy Setup & Training
Comprehensive PD

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