... we also use Penda to remediate or accelerate learning throughout the year with our physical science content. I think we relied on Penda a LOT last year, especially for our e-learning kids, too. It was really helpful.
Delonjie Tyson
Science SAL & Coach, Jennings Middle School (FL)
So, even though it’s easy to assign assignments on my own, maybe on days that I’m not here, or that I got busy with other things, I can rely on students having assignments assigned to them that correlate with what we’re learning because it is following the scope and sequence that we follow.
Nilsa Lebron
Science Teacher, Aventura City of Excellence School (FL)
For our high population of ESOL and below grade-level readers, Penda democratized access to science standards via scaffolding instruction and multi-representation of data and concepts.
Brenda Berube
Science Learning Specialist, Osceola County Public Schools (FL)
So, we were specifically looking for some kind of a program that would be able to tailor the program to our Florida standards, and to our district created pacing-guides. We wanted user-friendly things so that teachers didn’t need to take on another thing. We wanted it to be a program that could be used during the school day or after school. And we wanted something that kids would enjoy doing. We wanted them to enjoy the learning, it didn’t need to be one more cumbersome thing to do.
Ryan Widdowsen
Supervisor of Federal Programs, Clay County School District (FL)